Our Periodical Collection is one of the most valuable assets of the club and has many of the technical magazines pertaining to live steam and model engineering. Some of our collections go back to the beginning of live steam and there are some that are long out-of-print. Clicking on any of the buttons will bring up a list on what issues the club has for that magazine and the table of contents for each issue, except where noted.
Paolo Epifani's ball turret mechanism
Engineering in Miniature - The collection starts with the April 1979 and continues thru to November 1993 with the September 1989 issue missing.
Home Shop Machinist - The collection starts with the Jan/Feb 1982 issue and ends with the Jul/Aug 2005 issue. Issues Jan/Feb 1983, Jan/Feb 1986, Jan/Feb 1996, Mar/Apr 2002 and Jul/Aug 2005 thru Nov/Dec 2005 are missing.
Live Steam - The collection starts with the Aug 1966 issue and ends with the Nov/Dec 2007 issue. Issues May 1967, Nov 1967 thru Apr 1968, Mar 1972 and Dec 1974 are missing.
Machinist's Workshop - The collection starts with the Feb 1999 issue and ends with the Feb 2006 issue. Issues jun 2001, Dec 2001, Apr 2001, Aug 2004 and Apr 2005 are missing.
Projects in Metal - The collection starts with the Feb 1988 issue and ends with the Dec 1998 issue. Issue Jun 1994 is missing.
Strictly I.C. - The collection starts with the Feb/Mar 1989 issue and ends with the Dec/jan 2002 issue. Issues Aug/Sept 1989 thur Apr/May 1991, Feb/Mar 1992, Apr/May 1992, Aug/Sept 1992 thru Oct/Nov 1993 and Feb/Mar 1994 thru Dec/Jan 1996 are missing.